View From the Eagles Nest

Matthew 23;24....Luke 13;34.... The joys and blessings of a fat chick in a skinny world. Faith for the journey, hope for the future, the beauty of nature, wilderness roads, life in general, family, the past and present, from the memory of a country girl stuck in the big that I have your attention visit my blog...

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Location: midwest, United States

I'm a follower of Jesus...I Love the Lord!Iam a artist,love to write,I have two grown daughters,4 grand childern.I enjoy traveling.this is my blog and I say what I think.if you dont agree thats dont have to read it.sometimes I deal with so much crap,I feel like a farmer.check out my new blog "willow in the mist."

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

the rain came.

the sky was covered with the distance you could hear the streaked across the could smell the rain coming.the air smells so good when it rains.I sat and watched it coming closer.desided if I was going out to get some food I had better do it right I took off and stopped to get my taco salad and potatoe home just minutes before the frist rain hit the ground.the air was off cause it had been I could hear the rain drops on the came down most of the day.then it would stop and more would come.dont know how much but it was a good while before it finely stopped.dont know if it will save the grass but at lest the rain came.thank you Lord.the air was so nice as I sat by the open window and just talked to you Lord and watched the rest of the storm clouds move was a hard day for me.the things from this year have been too much at times.and for some reason today was a emotional one.I was mad and shaky and just uneasy.didnt know why so I just prayed.I hate days like has happened to me more then happened the day my brother got in a near death crash in his jeep.and it happened when a friend was choking to death in his car miles away in an other state.and each time I prayed cause I didnt know what was wronge.I knew who was in trouble cause they came to my mind.but didnt know what was going on only they needed help.and God was I rummaged around in this apartment trying to get comfortable.was less then simpathtic to my two girls.but told them I didnt feel just right.well I finely called to try one more time to reach a long time dear friend Ill call her Dee.well her daughter answered the phone and said she wasnt doing so please pray for Dee every one.she is a sweet lady.she has had enough in her life. she is in a nuercing home and she has some real big things to be the rains came and Iam thankful for that.but Lord how much is a person able to handle.I feel like I been having 10 ton wieghts layed on me day after soon as I roll one over on the Lord there is another one ready to take its place.Iam a stronge person but you can only take so much.I cant fix these things so I know only God can.tomorow we go see mom.but I feel like I dont have the energy to help want to go and build the person up your going to Lord help me be ready to cheer mom up.I dont think I will tell her about Dee.its her friend to.and they been friends has enouph to worry today was good cause of the rain.but a friend is sick and its hard to know she has already got more on her plate then she can handle now.and she is in her day I will know why all this junk has happened.but it doesnt help now.some will say its life.yes it is but there should be more good going on.but I guess it just brings home the fact that we are in the end times.the headlines and things all around us say so.get us ready Lord.sorry this is not up lifting and a happy or funny post.but I will not lie to you or be fony.if Iam hurting you will know.and you will know how Jesus helped me to.I will be with my girls tomorow to so that will lift my spirit to.when we get together we act like 3 is funny.lucy gets coffee and her mouth runs 90 miles an hour.Anna just lauphs.and gets us to lauph.I smart off and they crack up.I need a good lauph.there is more rain moving in.that is good.Lord wash away the bad and bring in some good for a change.we all need a good washing of your grace and mercy.please carry us all Lord to a place where we can all breath fresh air not filled with problems.thank you Lord for getting me through this day you are my best friend dont know what I would ever do with out you? thank God I will never have to find out!!God bless all of you out there.thanks for your prayers for rain.see your prayers are heard.have a nice night and we will chat again. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

That was a good day and we did have a lot of laughs...its always a ton of fun to get together with you two...Love you Luc

7:26 PM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

I think we still need more fact I think we could use about 10 days straight of total down pour...

7:27 PM  
Blogger Leann said...

bring on the rain Lord.spirital and other wise.yes it was fun that day.need some good days here soon cant take no more of the other kind!!!love you mamaleann

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:27 AM  

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