white squirrels invaid our town.
I remember years ago saying gee I would love to see a albino anything close up.I heard about them in school but had never seen one.then I remember the day I saw a young man who was one.it was so odd to see a person devoid of color.his hair was white and his eyes pink.I was glad to know it was true that the teacher had not pulled my leg.like the other trash about evalotion.( aint no one going to make monkeys out of my ancestors.) but I was so amazed that there were so many albinos.I thought they were rare.but in the huds and my travels we seen more then 8.and all in one town.they were on diffrent sides of the city.but albino none the same.now my step Dad use to think he was cool with 3 white patched squirrels at his place.but these are white.there is at lest 4 real white ones and the rest veryed shades of white and grayish white.they seem to be getting along with the gray squirrels ok.but they all live in their own little areas.thank you Lord for helping us see them it was a blessing to see them in the trees and even in the winter.and for the frist time I seen black squirrels.I thought they were only in one place I go for vaction now and then.its about 45 minutes from my home.was frist time I saw black squirrels was on my frist vaction there.but I see there are some here to.guess you dont know what you will see unless you get out there and look.people say they cant do anything cause they have no money.well to that I say.THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE!!!!! get in your car and go sit by a lake or river.and watch.besides seeing wild life you can see some pretty strange humans to.and they are just as fun to watch.today I was trying to think of what to write.and the albino thing came to me.but also the fact that God can help you if you arent sure what to do.He will show you what way to go if you need to know.boy I know I have been in places where I was so confused I couldnt find up or down.so I asked for help.one was when I had cancer.I was wondering if I had heard the Lord right.cause I knew He said I would write books.but here I was with cancer and didnt seem to be getting better but worse.I prayed and said Lord Iam ready to go.but I need to get my kids ready if I missed you some how.so I need to know am I going to die? it was at night and I was sooo sick I was wishing He would say GET READY GIRL YOUR COMING HOME.but He said (this is not unto death but for my glory.)I said ok you tell me one more time so I know its really you and I will believe you and not anything else.so He said it again.(THIS NOT UNTO DEATH BUT FOR MY GLORY! )so I knew I was not going to die.so when ANNA came in crying with the bad news the doctors gave her. I listened she said mom they say you only have 3 weeks to live! I said well Jesus came into my room and told me I aint going to die guess I will believe him instead.she stopped crying and got a big smile on her face and said ILL believe him to.MY lucy said I dont believe what they say.mom has faith and I know she isnt going to die.that was over 9 years ago.and Iam still here.guess the Lord still has work for me to do.THE NAME OF JESUS IS ABOVE EVERY NAME EVEN CANCER! at the name of Jesus every knee shell bow and thoug confess that Jesus christ is lord.cancer has to bow to the name of Jesus.if you apply faith and stand on the word it has to.now some say well what if I have faith and nothing happens?well I would rather be in faith no matter what.you may say well what if I believe and I still die? well you will be in heaven.that is the ultimate healing.you do know you get a bran new body dont you? how much better then these old clay ones?yes leaving here is best.but some times we get to stay.but dont blame God for sickness and disease.its not from him.he heals it but it doesnt come from him.it comes from the enemy.the lord wants you to know that you will see your loved ones who went on before if they trusted Jesus as their savior.little kids go right to Jesus hands.they havent sinned so they go to him.so if you know where they are you know where to find them.I have more loved ones in heaven now then here.so one day I will be back with family.cant wait.this old world holds no great draw for me. so when ever He calls Im out of here.so I want to get as much done to reach others. I have been healed of alot of things.and no dout alot more before I blow this pop stand.but no matter what my need is He is able to provide what ever I need.some times people have to change some bad habits frist before He will heal you.if you are hooked on booz or drugs or cigs.or food you need to be sure your willing to give it up.and if you are He will help you leave it behind forever. I know boozers He set free and they were enjoying freedom.but they got cocky and thought they could handle just one.well wasnt long before they were right back in the pig pen again.once He frees you run from the old trappings.stay out of the bares,get new friends. and you will be fine.I use to smoke 3 packes of cigs a day.that was over 28 years ago Jan 15th.so I know He frees you.a good paster named paster woods prayed for me.and Jesus freed me.and I havent gone back.so what ever you need He has.He will meet you where your faith is.if it aint to big its ok I didnt have the faith to believe for my healing eather so that is why I called the paster.It was His faith not mine that got me free.so when your ready call a paster who has faith.I called the pentecostal pasters when I needed help.Assembly Of God,the Spirit filled ones have the faith.the ones who say all that was for years ago cant heal a hicup.so go to someone who knows how to believe and pray.now some of the others may know more now.but its been my expeance that the ones I said can help.but you can do the next best thing.talk to God your self. He can hear just fine and if you mean buiness He will answer.so think about what I said.healing always comes it just comes in differant ways and in Gods timing.He answers prays three ways YES, NO, AND WAIT.some healing comes right away,some comes in time some in stages.but it comes.He uses doctors and He can heal with out them.but what ever way He chooses its God who does the healing.your doc only gets you in line for your healing.so go to God and dont be afraid to go to the doc.cause the Lord layed the desire to be a doc on the doc,s heart so he could treat you when you needed to come to him.but dont let him or anyone give you a death sentance.cause that is between you and God not you and man.no one knows when its your time to go but God.He has given you 75 or 80 years so dont leave tell you and God are satisfied.this is all in the bible you can check it out.how do I know ?been there done that.I aint leaving tell its time.and Iam going to expose the enemys tricks every time the Lord gives me the chance and the truth to share.Jesus is the answer to any problem you have.no matter what it is.thank you Lord for the chance to share more with people.use this to free others.I pray your anointing will be on these words to set the captives free.Iam planting in good ground Lord.in Jesus name amen and amen.love to all .
I totally agree with the getting out and seeing things, so many blessings there to see if you only look. And as for the cancer when it came right down to nit and grit you and Lucy sure had the faith to get us all through, I was so proud of you and how you used your experiances to reach others those nurses that had the previlage to take care of you will never be the same, this I am sure of. After I seen all God had brought you through I changed too. This family has received many blessing and I know there will be good that comes out of all this chaos that has been going on since the begining of 2006 and I know God will use it in some way to his glory too not sure how though, but I do know it will all be alright some how..
thanks for the comment anna.there wasnt room to tell the whole story of where I stayed and who took care of me when I couldnt take care of myself.that will be in the book.dont ever forget how much that ment to me.some of us carryed the ball tell we got tired and then God raised up others to step in and carry.it helped us all change and hold loved ones dear.cause no one knows how long we will have them!thanks to my family the mess in this last year and the cancer was easyer to go through.but I give the glory to the Lord for He is the one who carryed us all.love mom.
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