View From the Eagles Nest

Matthew 23;24....Luke 13;34.... The joys and blessings of a fat chick in a skinny world. Faith for the journey, hope for the future, the beauty of nature, wilderness roads, life in general, family, the past and present, from the memory of a country girl stuck in the big that I have your attention visit my blog...

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Location: midwest, United States

I'm a follower of Jesus...I Love the Lord!Iam a artist,love to write,I have two grown daughters,4 grand childern.I enjoy traveling.this is my blog and I say what I think.if you dont agree thats dont have to read it.sometimes I deal with so much crap,I feel like a farmer.check out my new blog "willow in the mist."

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

TJ my grandson took me for a ride by the river road.his Mom and Dad had to go get off Teg and I went for our this eemed funny cause now instead of TJ in the car seat saying NaNa where we going it was me saying it!and I was the rider.TJ said NaNa do you haveany guestions?now I really felt old cause it was uselly me saying for me had come full circal! it was cool cause the young man knew just the roads to take cause he knows I love the river.and we followed the river all the way.he is a very good driverand he goes slow so we can enjoy the senery.we stopped for photo ops.this is one of grandson is a good young man.he just has one problem he is a teen and he can,t figure how to not be a kid anymore and become a man.but he has the heart of a good man its just he is in that hard place where you don,t fit being a man and you don,t fit being a kid anymore.but praise God he will with the Lords help find his place in this world.I love all my grandkids the same.but TJ was the frist and I love him for that.I was blessed to see him born.his little face came out and it was painted on my mind forever.the frist born always belongs to the in the hospital we lifted him up to the Lord and gave him to Him.did that with all the Kids one by one.our evening ride was a blessing.I will remember it for a long time.this pic will remind me of the night the rules changed.I became the rider and TJ became the driver. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Nice pics and nice for you to spend some time with your grandson.

6:30 PM  
Blogger Leann said...

thanks for the comment anvilcloud.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Blondie said...

Love the picture and sounds like you two had a great time! They do grow up so fast!

9:14 AM  

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