View From the Eagles Nest

Matthew 23;24....Luke 13;34.... The joys and blessings of a fat chick in a skinny world. Faith for the journey, hope for the future, the beauty of nature, wilderness roads, life in general, family, the past and present, from the memory of a country girl stuck in the big that I have your attention visit my blog...

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Location: midwest, United States

I'm a follower of Jesus...I Love the Lord!Iam a artist,love to write,I have two grown daughters,4 grand childern.I enjoy traveling.this is my blog and I say what I think.if you dont agree thats dont have to read it.sometimes I deal with so much crap,I feel like a farmer.check out my new blog "willow in the mist."

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

this kitty looks like Anna,s other kitty friendly so since I don,t have one of him I will have to us this one.{He is one of friendlys relitives barly}Friendly is a sweet kitty too he loves to set on your lap but only when he wants..barly is a sweet kitty to.he is kruzes kitty.but he moved over to another farm cause of one mean kitty named clover.all the cats are a blessing .they are all more like family then pets.they always know when to love you up and when you are sad.animals are full of love.if you treat them right they treat you right.. Posted by Picasa


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