a picture of last winter at kruzes.
this picture reminded me of when I was a kid on my grandmas farm.it had snowed very hard for two days.and the northwest wind had blowen big drifts.those were the biggest drifts I had seen as a child.
I asked my mom if my brother and I could go out and play.mom said if we dressed warm and stayed close to the house we could. so we put on our snow pants and went out.we played in the snow and walked out along the woods to the west of the house.as we walked along, along the fence line by the little lake was the biggest snow drifts.
we were having problems walking in the deep snow.but didnt even care cause we were too exsited to get to the big drifts.
the problem is we were getting far from the house.I could still see the house,so I figured it was ok.althow I knew that is not what mom said.she said "stay close to the house."
the snow was blowing off the trees and it seemed it had started snowing again very lightly.we came to the hightest drift.it was way over my head.I told jack it would be funny to have a snow cave.he agreed,so we begain to dig.he tired out fast so I told him to rest a while.soon he was trying to help.we dug back into the snow along way.
there was room enough for both of us to get into the hole and lay down.he said he was sleepy.so I said lay down for a little while.and Ill wake you when Iam done .
I worked alittle more on the opening of the snow cave.making sure the top was strong and wouldnt fall in.I was tired so I leened up against the side wall and listoned to the wind whistle by the door.
the snow was begaining to drift again.and the view from our snow cave was beautiful.I sat and watched the snow crystels fly over and drop out side the door.the swamp was lovely in the winter storm.the willow trees where covered with snow and their branchs hung down or moved slowly in the wind.the pines were covered with snow and the whole seen didnt even look real.the sky was almost the color of the one in this picture.I felt safe and warm in this little nest.
I became sleepy and soon my eyes were closed and I dozes off.but I was woke up in fright.I felt if I did,nt get jack up now and head out for home we wouldnt make it.I was so tired I could barely move.my arms felt like logs and my legs like rocks.I knew some thing was very wrong.so I woke jack.he was far to groggy and almost life less.I had to carry him out of the cave.
the wind had picked up and it was getting darker.the wind was colder and I knew the snow had gotted deeper,or was it cause I was so weak from all the digging and walking?
jack seemed like dead wieght.I tryed to put him down to walk but he just said he was too sleepy.so I kept on walking through the snow.I was afraid we wouldnt make it back.I could see the house but to me in my tired state ,I felt like it was 100 miles away.soon I could see my Dad out by the house.I yelled but the wind blew the sound of my voice away.he didnt hear me.
I walked more and I could see he was still by the house so I yelled again.he looked up but didnt know for sure where the sound came from.I yelled again,and finely he saw us and came.I dont think I could have made it if he hadnt come to take Jack.it was hard for me walking by my self the rest of the way.I didnt tell Dad or mom how far we had gone out in to that storm.or that I had dug a snow cave.cause I knew I had made a choose that could have harmed both me and my brother.
but I also learned some thing else that day.there was someone else in that snow cave with us that day long ago.He woke up the little girl and gave her the strength to carry her little brother.and to walk through the deep snow tell she could get help.that friend has been with me all my life.even when I didnt belong to him.he still helped me.
we went back to the snow cave the next morning.just to see how it had held up.we couldnt even see the door.or our tracks.if we had fallen asleep in that cave.
we wouldnt have been found tell spring.cause no one knew where we had gone that day.and when I had taken jack out of that cave our tracks had been covered over from when we came.it made me know some thing I never knew the day before.if we had fallen asleep we would have died,and no one would have found us.
but the Lord knew where we were.and he came.I knew as I stood there looking for the snow door that a miracle had happened.and I knew to who had saved us.and he knew I knew.
my heart felt like a big warm melted handful of love.and I just stood there and thanked him as best I could being a child.jack was too young to understand.so I just said I think angels were watching us jack.he said where are they.I said you cant see them.you only know they are there.
we walked back to the house and it was almost lunch time when we came in.I remember laying on the loung in the kichen and closing my eyes.the smell of the food.and the sound of mom and granny working together was like music.I use to lay years later in my own home and think about those times way back when. and it gave me bittersweet memories.I could almost hear mom and granny, and smell the food.some times Id cry for the good times long gone.but I still carry those times of childhood wonder and love ,with me.
If you take time and think back to your child hood I am sure you will remember times the Lord saved you from things.and belivie me he saved me from many.
God bless you all hope you enjoyed my memories from my past.have a great weeked.
all rights reserved on this story and the rest of this blog.this story was written by PLS.Aka leann.
Hi Leann,
Yet another wonderful, wonderful story for your eventual children's story book that you HAVE to write.
Kids would love this story. The photo is beautiful of the farm, as well as the one of you and your grandfather's cousin.
Thanks for dropping by my blog and for your comments.
Hi Leann ~ A great story and you have told it so well. How lucky you were not to have perished in the snow.
Do you plan to write a children's story book one day? It sounds like a wonderful idea Leann.
Thanks for your visit and comments. Glad you liked the jokes and teens.
Thanks for your good wishes for me.
Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.
I just love your stories.
thanks everyone for your comments.I would love to write childrens books.and Lord willing I will.pray that the Lord helps me with it.I wouldnt have the wisdom to do it alone.or know where to find a puslishing place.if anyone knows of any please let me know.thanks.God bless you all.
Leann,I go to an annual writer's conference in June, in Guelph, Ontario--called Write! Canada. It's where I first met kindred spirits and dared to define myself as a writer. It's also a place for networking with publishers, editors and other writers. How far are you from Ontario? If you can't come here, there would be writer's conferences in the U.S. --But if you come to Canada--I'd get to meet you. That'd be wonderful.
If you go to my blog and click on The Word Guild button, you can find out more about our conference.
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