a golden eagle on a lovely spring day
Saturday was another wonderful mild spring day.I just couldnt set insided and miss it.
I got my body up and dressed.headed out to the van and took a drive out of town.I just
let the Lord lead me.I drove along headed down to the river north of my place.and sat for
a while and enjoyed the song birds and the boats on the water.some guy was trying out some ones boat. He was very surprised to see how fast it could go.in fact he swore to get his point a cross.I didnt like the way he used the name he used to say it. I would have said man Lord this baby moves.but some people like to use His name as dirt,instead of giving it glory.but they dont know any better.or maybe the do and dont care.but one day when they need him and he dont pay attention .cause he has heard them use his name in vain so much.then maybe they will learn.
I sat for a while longer and then headed west.I went out on a old country road I had not been on for a while.hubby and I had driven down it once a while back cause I wanted him to see the roads I use to travel with my motor cycel.
as I drove along I was watching for things to share with you on the blog.as I came up over a small hill and was coming to another.I seen three bumps on the ridge.now I know what it ment "Eagle" surounded by crows.and I drove by and turned around to be at a better angel for pictures.as I drove close he flew and I had to take one in flight.he was big and I just was so blessed that the Lord had brought me down this road and showed me this site.the bird was healthy looking and made it through winter fine.the crows were healthy looking to.the Lord had been good to them.soon he flew out of site and I turned around and headed on my way.
I was close to a place hubby and I use to go alot and see eagles.I took my best picture of one there.I will put it on the top of this post when I finish so you can enjoy it again.I passed the little country churchs, and drove along the river passed the servaster pool road and down by the farm where the eagles nest is way out in their woods.the nest is still in use cause its bigger then last year so I know they built it up more last year.or they could be adding to it now.
the farmer and his wife were in the yard talking,as I drove by.I didnt see the eagles anywhere.so I drove slowly by the oak tree I love.its a awesome tree.I snaped one more piture of it.some day Ill hang the picture in my home.why put up art work if it isnt yours?I use to hide my stuff away and put up artists I liked.well why not put up some of my own?
I desided the river road would be too wet this time of year so I optted for the ridge road instead.I went up snake hill and along the dump road till I came to the cemetry road that runs past the nice Log home hubby and I found one day just by chance.its back in out of site behind where the dump use to be.over looking the river on a ridge.its a cool place to have a log home.but the dump is only about 100 yards form them.one wonders what their water is like?wonder if anyone told them that its there?
I pulled into the cemetry and parked along the ridge close to the edge to be able to look down in the valley to the south east.Ill go put the picture of the view so you can share it.
Thank you for sharing you drive with us. The picture is wonderful. I am glad you are hanging YOUR art work. It has more meaning some how when there are memories with what is on the walls.
thanks raggedy.your a sweetheart.
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