this is the view from the eagles nest.this is the view I see every morning and every evening.God placed me here and its a blessing.I may not have a big place as apartments go this one isnt all that big,but what it lacks in space it makes up for in view.
its my billion dollor view.
this is a picture I call glory rays.it was one of those days when you just know God is calling to the world and saying,LOOK UP ITS ME.I AM HERE I do love you ,see this is how I speak when you cant hear me any other way.
GOD THANK YOU FOR ALL THE BEAUTY YOU SENT MY WAY TO REACH ME.and forgive me when I didnt know it was you.

This day is the day the Lord has made and I intend to rejoice in it and be glad.as I sat looking for things to write today.I looked out the window and high over town were three eagles circaling on the up drafts and rejoicing in the beauty of the day.
I watched them for a while till they moved out of my view.and I longed to be one of them for just a day.
what wonderful things Id see with their eyes.what wonderful places I could go to with their wings.what wonders they see and do.
the places they build their nests are high above the earth.they can see for miles and enjoy a view some of us will never see.but then I looked out the window and knew God had put me in this 7th floor apartment with a eagles eye view to bless not only me but others.so from time to time Ill share a picture or a story of how the Lord blesses me here.
today is lovely and mild,with little wispy white clouds here and there.and the birds are out and flying here and there passed my window.last evening just before dark I looked out and saw a white dove almost hanging in mid air.he was just sitting in one place with his wings working the air so he could stay there.if he had not done it Id never have seen him.and just as I looked and seen him he flew off across town and then came back by and did it one more time.it was as if he was saying look at me God sent me to bless you, so heads up girl and be blessed.
it was so cool.I wonder where a white dove comes from.we dont have any in our state that are in the area.so I wonder where he was from.we have morning doves and pigens but no white doves.this little guy was all white.
I know on the the islands there is a dove that is so white and lovely.but none here.if anyone knows of another dove that lives in the midwest please tell me.I looked in my field gide bird book but couldnt find any.so if you can help Id be so thankful.
well its time for me to close for today.and I wish you a wonderful weekend and a great new week.God bless you and keep you safe in the palm of his hand.and bless you with the beauty of his creation every where you go.
Hi there, thanks for the visit and the good wishes.
Cheers and God Bless Margaret
Good to hear from you. Leann. Great celebration post. Spring is on its way.
hi margret and stephen.yes spring is on the way and Ill be glad when its here.
Dear Leann,
Oh, you do have a marvelously beautiful view! And you worded it all so beautifully. His creations are truly wondrous. Thank you for sharing your great faith and your heart. Have a blessed week, dear Leann.
Beautiful pics =)
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