my father passed away.

sometime in the night my father left this earth to be with Jesus.
he had been in the nursing home for a few days while my step mom and my brother and his wife and kids were able to go have christmas
with her fokes.
Dad was suppose to come home yesturday.but he was having breathing step mom said they needed to take him to the hospital.some time in the night he passed away in the hospital.

my half brother called me this morning to tell me.
Dad had been going down hill slowly.he was getting skinnyer and more restless.
being a man who was use to being able to go out and work in his shop. or just go for a walk to feel the breeze on his face.Dad was no longer able to do so.his days were spent watching TV in his bed.cause he wasnt able to set long in his chair.he had been sad he was no longer able to do his inventing or shop work.
and the last time we talked face to face he said he missed being able to see the V,s of geese fly over.or hear them in the field by the house.he told of times when he would shoot one and have granny cook father was a blessed man.
he was given many talents from the Lord.and he lived in a wonderful place.he was able to live on the farm his whole life.a place where he ran and played as a boy in the feilds and meadows.along the creek and in the swamp.
he was a farmers son and the faimly lived off the land and what they raised on the farm.
the farm was a place where a kid could be one.there was never a dull moment for a kid.wild life was every where.and you always had things to do.climb tree,s in the jungle tail,swim in the in the hay mow.
the farm was a place others loved to come.there was something about the place that draw people to great grandpa saw it and fell in love with it and moved his family there from out east.
I know Dad was glad to be born there and able to live his whole life in one place.
He is going to be missed by us will be hard on Helen and the family cause they were with him all the please keep them in your prayers.helen had said to me she didnt like to think when Dad left, cause she would be alone when my brother and his wife moved into their new home.I told her she was never alone she had Jesus.
I will try to keep up my blog and fill you in on the news around here but I am not sure if it will be as offen as it use to be.
I am ok so dont worry for me.I am standing on the fact that one day all my loved ones will be together in heaven where no one or nothing can ever part us again.
I still believe this year is a good one.I still have hope and faith for a future of good.Iam stronger for going through last year.I have a new saying.
If I can make it through 2007, I can make it all the way to heaven.
I will close for now and Ill post when I can.if I dont for a while you will understand.thanks for being my friends and for being with me in these times.God bless you all.
I am so sorry for your loss, Leann.
Dear Leann,
I am so very sorry to hear about your father's passing. My condolances and prayers to you and the family. May the Lord comfort you all at this time of great sorrow. God bless you, dear Leann!
You are so brave to write about this so soon-to capture your love and loss at the time when it is at its greatest. Lovely post.
I didn't get online until late tonight, just now, I found your message on my blog - I left you an answer there but I will also put some of it here:
I'm so sorry about your Dad. I'll be thinking of you and your family in the days that follow, my friend. I know that this is a hard time - but be strong - you will meet him again.((HUGS))
Take care!
p.s.) the baby in the pictures are of you and your Dad?
Dear Leann ~~ I am so very sorry that
you have lost your Dad, but maybe his life wasn't what he wanted lately, so
maybe he is better home with loved ones. My prayers for you and the family to help you through. But you are one very strong lady with such a deep faith, I know you will be OK.
Thank you for letting me know, my friend, I will be thinking of you. Take extra care of yourself Leann
Much love, Merle.
Dearest Leann
I'm so sorry to hear about your Daddy's passing.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.
Please take very good care of yourself, Leann.
Dear Leann,
It is sad to know that you have lost your father. Your faith will be a big comfort to you at this time, I am sure.
Also, knowing your father had a good and interesting life which he loved, close to the land and nature, is reason to celebrate his life as an authentic one.
I wish you comfort at this time of loss for you and your family.
Leann: I am sorry for your loss. Please take comfort that he is at peace. I wish you a healthy recovery.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.
Still praying and thinking of you, Leann.
Please be strong.
I am sorry to hear of your father's passing. The Lord gives strength when you least expect it.
Hugs and comfort.
Sorry to hear about your loss. It does sound like he led a pretty good life. I think I would have gotten along well with him.
Dear Leann, so sorry for your loss,prayers and blessings to help you through your sorrow at this sad time.
Thinking of you Leann. Hope you're doing as well as possible.
Dear Leann ~~ I hope you are doing OK and not too distressed still.
Please be strong and look after
yourself. My prayers are with you to help you through, Much love, Merle.
Oh Leann, I am truly so sorry. I know how painful it is to lose a parent. There is quite an adjustment to deal with. I pray our sweet Heavenly Father will wrap his loving arms around you and hold you tight to His heart as you find your way.
Love and hugs.
Leann, I'll be thinking and praying for you at this time of your loss and I just praise the good Lord that you are saved! May Angels be around you and may you feel the loving arms of God firmly wrapped around you!!
Be of good courage, because of Jesus you already have the victory!!
thank you all for your words of comfort and your love and prayers.
you are all good friends.
thank you for prayers every thing went well for saying goodby to Dad.he will be missed.the family held up and we got through it.
Anna and her family went with me out to the farm to have a lunch after the the was nice to be together.
my step mom and her sisters had a nice was a small get together.only the close family and few friends came.
the Lord helped us with a peace and comfort that only can come from him.
I will be back on soon.I just have been busy and havent felt like jumping back at it.
God bless you all,you are my friends and Iam thankful for you.
Love leann.
dear Leann,
I haven't been around in a while, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. What a wonderful man your father was, and how lucky you are to have such memories of him.
You were a lovely baby, too!
I wish you peace and send you my best wishes. i will think of you today and hope that you are getting on.
all the best
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