read post under this one first...
This is the white lilic,s the girls picked.Anna picked some first and had them waiting for me when I came.they smeeeeeeelllllll sooooo gooood!!!!
then Lucy and Anna went and picked some there were alot of them only when I had to take them home they didnt do so I lost some.
it was a very nice day.Anna made some BBQ,s and beans,mac salad,and her death by chocolate heathbar cake.yummmmmmmy!!!!
every thing was great.we had a nice visit.em and sar played with TJ and Jake.they were playing cop,s and was funny they were using sameri swords.
aint seen no cop,s here use them but maybe they should.a lot of bad guys may think twice before getting their heads loped off by a sameri sword!!!
Anna and lucy walked out and sat on the swing and visited.they wanted me to come to.but I have watched too many of those home vidoes of people swinging away and the swings falling off the porch!!!I am after all a big I said no Ill sit here and visit with your hubby.he said he was going to turn the tv on something I wouldnt like, so Id go with he turned it on american gladieator.there was this hot young guy on called metro or some thing.I said ooooo baby!!!!and the son in law said oh crap mom is having a hot flash!!!EWWWWWWW!!!!
Its 94 here and hotter the hello!!!and Im dang glad I have the air on or Id be a big puddle of fat on my living room floor.they say we may have storms tonight.wouldnt dought it.with all the heat and a cold front coming on later.only pray we have rain and alittle lighting and thunder.NO HAIL,NO TORNADOS.NO WIND, good old spring rain storm..
well hope all you girls had a great mothers day,I know I sure did..and hope all you guys pulled a smart one and got your mom,s and your wives something for her from your kids if you have any.but hope you all remembered your mom,s...they are worth it.and you dont know how it hurts to have kids who dont give a rat,s patutie....and hubby it hurts your wives if ya dont help your kids remember her....
after all she was the one screaming at their had the fun she payed for it,if ya get my drift?????
Anna,s hubby got her a blue tooth and gave it to Anna for mothers day.also some flowers,think they were parrot tulips...they were pretty...the boys gave her a card, some rose peddles potporiy and a angel and yankee candle pumpkin and spice.Em and sar gave lucy a hair barrette,pretty blue matched her out fit... and a card...
well kids I have to go for now.hope you all have a great week.and God blesses your socks off with all good.thanks for stopping by to read.
From Leann,s place:)
Leann, Thanks for visiting and leaving your comment. As you asked, I did pray. Don't be discouraged--God uses weak and shaky vessels--look at me!
God bless you and be with you and give you his strength for each step of the journey.
Glad to hear you had such a lovely,happy Mother's Day.
That so made me laugh about the hottie. (lol) That reminds me of my sweet mother-in-law. She turns 87 years old this year and, just the other day, she was telling me that she was worrying about her wrinkles. I'm thinking that, at 87, she is entitled to those wrinkles wherever they might be. It's like I tell my kids, no matter how old you get, you still feel as you did when you were younger. It's just the body that ages. Does that make sense? I hope so.
I'm glad you were able to spend time with your girls on mother's day. I always tell my kids what I want for this day and birthdays and such. I want hugs and kisses and the time of day. Anything else, I can get for myself, but those items are priceless.
Hugs to you and yours, Almost forgot. Thanks for letting me know about Anna and her blogging. Funny how you get attached to people you don't even know. :-)
Dear leann. I hope you had a wonderful mother's day.
That is one gorgeous cat!
loved the cat, the dog, and the story.
Also the rainbow. You have a nice outlook from your house.
Hi Leann ~~ I enjoyed readng about your happy day and seeing your photos
I love your Tiffany Lamp on the table with the lovely liacs and cards etc. Thanks for your visit, and you would be most welcome to share some corned beef with me. The distance is the killer!! Keep well, Leann and enjoy
your life. Take care, Love, Merle.
thanks girls for stopping by to read.
belinda thanks for your prayers I can use all I can get.
kathy glad you enjoye the hottie joke.I love to tease my son in laws.I get a kick out of them.yes age dont mean a thing its only a number after all.I use my born again age.that is for me.he he.
thanks little miss.
hi margis daughter.
hi fifi.
merle the tiffany lamp is one my mom got me for christmas one year.I have a story about it Ill share some day.
God bless you all.
I woke up this morning and found all of your comments on my blog Leann. You know, it's always such a joy to know that someone is reading and relating! :) Thanks fellow pilgrim--another day of the journey today--let the adventure continue!
With love,
I'm so glad you had a great day, Leann. You certainly deserve it.
My mom ordered flowers from my kids for me.
The actions of mothers are truly astounding, aren't they?
Dear Leann
Thank you so much for your prayers, care and concern for my child, Bel.
We're very grateful =)
I'm so pleased you had such a lovely day, Leann :-)
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