trip to Anna,s for few days.
I went out to Anna,s.she found out I was having a hard day and she asked me to come out and visit while she moved her Iris,s.they were over grown and she needed to dig them up and move some.I would have had more pictures but the camera battery went dead and all the others needed charging.her garden was so pretty.but the Iris wasnt doing so good cause they were packed like teens in a vw.

this is some of the wild flowers by the park.they were so pretty in the grass.I just had to take a picture.

this is more of Anna,s garden.she does so good planting her flowers in her yard.she got the little chair at a sale.doesnt it look good there?her humming birds are busy at her flew by me as i sat watching Anna move her flowers.the poor kid ended with so many she didnt have room to replant them all.she places some down by the road for free.and gave a whole bunch to people around her place.she watched the ones by the road like a mother flower hoping someone would pick her kids.soon some people seen them and one bunch by bunch were picked up and treasured.
Anna was glad..
one day on the way out I seen these chives in a field.its was only up the road from Anna,s place.they are some times seeded by birds,or the seeds blow into places where no one wants them.these where going to be plowed up any way so I told Anna to get them before they disapeared.they are the ones in the lower middle of the picture.the color isnt as good.the lighting was bad and my battery was just about to poop out on me just as I took this picture.
this is some of the wild flowers by the park.they were so pretty in the grass.I just had to take a picture.
this is more of Anna,s garden.she does so good planting her flowers in her yard.she got the little chair at a sale.doesnt it look good there?her humming birds are busy at her flew by me as i sat watching Anna move her flowers.the poor kid ended with so many she didnt have room to replant them all.she places some down by the road for free.and gave a whole bunch to people around her place.she watched the ones by the road like a mother flower hoping someone would pick her kids.soon some people seen them and one bunch by bunch were picked up and treasured.
Anna was glad..
one day on the way out I seen these chives in a field.its was only up the road from Anna,s place.they are some times seeded by birds,or the seeds blow into places where no one wants them.these where going to be plowed up any way so I told Anna to get them before they disapeared.they are the ones in the lower middle of the picture.the color isnt as good.the lighting was bad and my battery was just about to poop out on me just as I took this picture.
Hola Leann
Paso a dejar saludos desde mi lejano pais que es Chile..
Te dejo un abrazo cordial ...
hola to you to eddy..dont speak your laugage but your welcome any time..
What a lovely refreshing garden.
Hello Leann ~~ Anna has a lovely garden and I enjoyed seeing it. She has a kind heart too, asking you over, when she knew you weren't feeling so good. You are lucky to have each other. Glad you liked the joke about the Granny with a gun.
Take care, Leann, Love, Merle.
thanks for stopping by Susan
merle yes Im very blessed to have a daugther like Anna.she does have a caring and loving heart.she cares what happens to me.
God bless you.
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