number two.view from the cabin.
Did I need to wonder if the Lord could find me a good place? No!!!this place was awesome.the knotty pine was so warm and made every thing look cozy and comfy...I sat down in the recliner and just thanked the Lord for out doing himself again.I was speechless.all I could say was thank you Jesus.the view as you can see was worth every penny of the 875.00 I spent for the week.I couldnt wait for the kids to
come and see it.I had left earlly so they should be coming soon.
the colors were just coming on so I knew it was going to be a lovely week.
I just sat and enjoyed the place while taking pictures.I knew Id have to share my trip with I started taking the pic,s as I sat down.
it was a cold day,cause a cold front had moved in.and so we had to have a small bit of heat.the stove behind me came on and was making sound.
that gave my goofy grandson the chase to come in and scare the crap out of his old NaNa.he went booo.and I almost filled my pants.lost a few years as well.added a few gray hairs also.
I said good Lord are you trying to get rid of me?I aint payed for the cabin yet so you better wait!!!
HE LAUGHED AND SAID HE WAS SORRY HE SCARED ME>HE SAID HE THOUGHT Id hear him or the Lord would warn he usely does when the boys are being little goofs.he put his arms around me and gave me a hug.
ya well I was wondering if I should go change my pants.
Just kidding but close!!!
he looked around and said this place is awesome.he headed out the door to the deck.this is the big couch he liked to lay on while here.and may I add his brother and Dad wanted it to.and they all conned each other to get it when they could.
Anna even lay on it a few times to relax.
it was a nice place to lay ,the sun would come in and warm you on the days it was cool.
the kids played chess on the coffee table in front of the couch.
and we all sat around one night and talked about the things the Lord had done for us.its good to tell the kids often so they will remember and tell their kids what the Lord has done.
this is the French door to the also shows the recliner I didnt pick.well I sat in it frist but after almost going butt over tea kettle
on my back side I moved it over and put the other one there.
my son in law almost went over with it ,so I didnt feel so bad..
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