View From the Eagles Nest

Matthew 23;24....Luke 13;34.... The joys and blessings of a fat chick in a skinny world. Faith for the journey, hope for the future, the beauty of nature, wilderness roads, life in general, family, the past and present, from the memory of a country girl stuck in the big that I have your attention visit my blog...

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Location: midwest, United States

I'm a follower of Jesus...I Love the Lord!Iam a artist,love to write,I have two grown daughters,4 grand childern.I enjoy traveling.this is my blog and I say what I think.if you dont agree thats dont have to read it.sometimes I deal with so much crap,I feel like a farmer.check out my new blog "willow in the mist."

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

peaceful river side.

Two posts today. (read the bottom one under this one first.the bad news first then the good.)

Find your self a safe peaceful place to set
.and let the Lord show you the beauty of his
world,he will send you things to bless you.He sends me eagles ,ducks,geese,fish that wave,birds that sing,and O so many wonerful and beauiful things.He sits there with me.and watchs my smile.he longs to please me, cause after all I am his child .he is the best Dad a girl could want.

(Psalm 23.the Lord is my belove shepherd,he gives me every thing I need.
he lets me rest in the meadow, he leads me by the still water where I may drink in the beauty all around me,and be refreshed.

he gives me stength for the journey,and hope for the future.even if I have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death ,Iwill not fear for it is but a shadow and can hurt me no more.

you guide me and are close beside me all the provide delicious food for me in the presence of my welcome me as your guest at your own table and your blessings to me over flow.
Your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and when I leave here I shall be with you forever in your home.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my favorite Psalms!!

10:19 PM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Leann ~~ A beautiful picture and
a happier post. I think we all love the 23rd psalm. Let this peaceful
place be a comfort to renew your strength my friend. Thank you for your visit and comments. Glad you liked the poem, farming is a very hard life. Take care, Love, Merle.

4:36 AM  
Blogger Raggedy said...


5:00 AM  

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