let it snow,let it snow,let it snow.

Here is alittle winter wonderland for my friends who do not have snow to brighten or shell I say whiten their christmas hoildays.
these are from last year or the one before,cause I havent been out in our new snow fall yet.
so hope you all enjoy this white christmas just for you.
the kids (Anna and her hubby) came today to bring me a few things and clear off my van from snow .it is white and most likely looked like one big snow drift.we got 4 to 6 inches of the white stuff.it was very pretty to sit in and watch it come down.I couldnt see very far out my window,s.the snow fell all afternoon and on into the night.the north west wind howled in my window I leave open for fresh air.I had to close it to only a finger size opening.
I put on my little fake woodstove with the real like flames and watched movies on the TV.the hallmark channel has the best christmas movies on.the other night they had one called "papa,s angels".if you get a chance to watch it do so.it was so good.
and if your like me you will love the fact its set out in the country in a log home.and the room he builds on to the place is a work of love and art.
there are some very good movies for christmas on.a few years ago I taped a movie called (miracal in the wilderness)its a gem.
if you get a chance to watch it do so.its a wonderfull one.
these are movies you could let kids see.
well it seems my in laws need more prayer.my sister in law called me the other night with the bad news.
my father in laws brother passed away.he was working on the tree lot he sells at and he said he was feeling dizy.
they found him slumped over sitting at the table.
in the last few months 3 of the family have passed away,close family.this is the frist close family they have lost!!
so please keep them in your prayers.its hard to lose people so close and in such a short time.
the grandma is in her 80,s and this was her son.it doesnt seem right for a woman to lose her kids frist.
she is a sweet lady.
this family has been my family for a long time.way before I married their son.
and the way I feel for them is like they will be my family even when I have to divorce their son.
mom is a sweet lady and she is carrying alot.she is a small woman only about 5 foot or so.but she has the heart of a lion.and the love
to give to all.she is a wonderful person.
I will miss not seeing her for christmas.more so this year then ever cause my mom is gone.
I use to love to be part of their big family.I felt as if I was loved and and apart of them.
my sister in law is a blessing.she has been there for me all the way through this mess with the hubby.
she was saved when him and I got together.from our testimony.
Iam real proud of her and her walk with the Lord.
in only a short time she has grown so much in the Lord.its a miracal how fast.
she is my little sister in christ and I feel she is like the sister I never had.
the Lord is doing great things in the family.and he is working out things for all of them.
please keep them in your prayers.thank you...
well I wanted to post this for you who needed snow for christmas.God bless you all and hope the christmas spirit is in your heart,s.
christmas isnt christmas without JESUS.
its a x-mess...
stores who will not let their workers say merry christmas should be avoded like the flew.if they dont want to say the Lords name then they should close for the hoilday.cause if it wasnt for the christian hoilday they wouldnt be making money.
it tee,s me off that this country lets all this God bashing go on.
wake up people this country belongs to God,and you cant kick the owner of the country out.
and besides who would be dumb enough to think you could kick GOD out of anything.
I love (psalm 2.)it says it so wonderfully.turn to it in your bible and read it.it says what God thinks of people who do that and what he does...
well merry christmas and happy new year to all.
I put a chrristmas post below in my earllyer post.so go check it out if you missed it.
Good night and have a great safe week.
Dear Leann ~~ Thank you for the lovely snow pictures. It makes me feel much cooler. I am so sorry your in law family lost so many so close, and your sister-in-law is a blessing. I am so glad Anna and her husband came to de-snow your van, and to look after you. They are good kids as you say. I loved the callage of a wlk through your Mom's garden. You are clever to make those nice things. Take care, my friend, my thoughts and prayers are with you and all the family. Love, Merle.
I love snow pictures. I sure wish we could get some snow here. A white Christmas would be beautiful. I have never seen a white Christmas in my 48 years of life.
Dear Leann,
Your snow pictures from last year are beautiful! I said it before, and it's true, you are the best photographer!
We get a little snow in the Ozarks, but sometimes we can even get a lot. It's beautiful, but hard to drive in, in these hills and hollers. So I'd rather do without it.
Like you, I love the Hallmark channel.
Sorry to hear the sad news about the passing of a family member. (Your in-laws.) May God comfort them in their sorrow. I
I enjoyed reading your snow post. Have a wonderful day, and God bless!
Hi girls thanks for stopping.its always good to see good friends on my blog.
so glad you enjoyed the pictures,I love the snow.and we are getting more today,another 1 to 3 inches.
I cant see across the town to the hill,s.its really coming down.
say please stop over to my Anna,s and leave your comments on her blog.the one about the posse.
she was being funny and seems to have offened someone.
Id like your comments as well.
I stopped by to leave my post as well.thank for your comments.
go into my blog and click on ANNA.
she has felt like stopping her blog.and I feel she has a lot of talent and good things to share.she takes great pictures and shares her familys funning happenings with others.she hasnt had much time lately cause she is a very busy girl.but she comes on when she can.
I dont want her to stop so please give her some suport.thanks.
It doesnt seem so long ago that I was surrounded by snow, and you were boiling up with the heat!
Now it is hot here, and I am wishing that I was there in the snow. its so lovely.
What beautiful pictures you have made...
the ones of the graden are so lovely also. Thank you for sharing them with me!
Best wishes Fifi
Let it snow
let it snow
let it snow...
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