trip to the mississppi with the family.
The egrets were back and the day was lovely.I had stayed at Anna,s for a few days,had planned on only over night but the boys wouldnt let me go home again.
so we desided to go for a ride on sunday.we took a drive down by the mississippi.the swans were what we were looking for but they were long gone already.but the Egrets were there to bless us.
we took the van and Eric drove,as we rode along we seen eagles and their nests in the tree,s.we stopped at a cheese house and I got some cheese curds to eat on the way.
We stopped to watch the Egrets in the swamp.Jake used the teliscop to find the ones way out in the swamp then he called me over to see them.they are so pretty and the picture you can see how big they are.
we were going to go up to the bluff to over look the town and the river.but we saw the house boat rental and stopped there first.Anna and Eric went in one and talked to the owner.we were going to go down the river on one this year but its too much to do this we just day dreamed.the ride home was peaceful.both the boy caffen was worn off so it was guiet.
we just were in our own thoughts.we went to drop off TJ so he and his friend could go fishing and Jake said he wanted me to stay one more nigh so he could stay with him while his mom and Dad cleaned the eye clinic.Anna has a cleaning business.and Eric helps her so she can get done sooner.
so they drove home and dropped Jake ,I,and little teddy the dog off at home.Jake diid his school work and I fell asleep in the chair.those long drives wear me out.but it was a wonderful day.
we watched movies that night till boys had to go to sleep for school.then we all went to had been a long day.
Anna and I were talking the next day and we were trying to figure what to do for a vaction for us all.we needed to pool our money cause alone none of us could I was racking my brain thinking about where we could go.then I thought about a place hubby and I had gone few years back.and I told her about it.I told her to look it up on the computer.she punched it in and soon I remembered the name of the was called Rocky Shores.but I called a place called scotts cabins.he told me rocky shores was no longer open.but he said hehad a log cabin to we asked about it.he asked us when we were thinking about coming?Anna just throw out a date.he said gee that is the only time its open in that month.
so then Anna said hope Eric call,s cause we will have to see if he wants to go there.Eric had his hopes up on the house boat.but when Anna and I figured it out the money would not be as soon as Anna had said wish Eric would call.he called about 5 minutes later.I said this must be he Lord cause its all fitting frist Eric wasnt too up on it cause he wanted to take his boat.
so I said Anna just let the Lord work it out.if this is the place it will still be open when we call back after Eric desides.if not then the Lord has we just prayed and waited.monday I went home and just today Eric desided to take that one.well the place was still open and they set it up.
we go in june for sunday to wed.its up in michigin by silver city.porkipine mountain is only a little way down the road from our cabin.its a log cabin with 300 feet of shore line all to us.a place to have camp fire by the beach at night.a deck to set on and a fireplace made of river stone.all we were looking for in one place and the price is the Lord has to work te rest out so the money is all there at the right time.
there are light houses for me to see and a fort for the boys to explore.and they have waterfalls for the kids to go see.and some I can see cause they are easy to get to.I said Id stay with little teddy the dog whn they had to go it works for us all.I enjoy sitting at the cabin and reading or writing in my journal.
the guys want to go fishing so Anna and I can visit while they fish.any way I cant wait to will be nice to travel again.the Lord is making a way so I can go for a trip way off and dont have to go alone.
Ill be sure to take some pictures so you can see the place.and the high lights of our trip.
I have to go for today cause I been gone and need to get some stuff you all have a wonderful week.enjoy the weather and stop to smell the flowers.look for the little things God is sending your way to bless you.those things are free and worth their wieght in gold.dont stumble throught your day with our eyes down cast look for his blessings and you will see them.a bird who sings out your window to bless you.a cardinal that flashs his lovely red body in a tree near you.a good buy at the store on just what you need.a friend stopping by who you havent seen for a while and having time to just visit.someone telling you how they value and love you.
God does good for us every day.dont miss his blessings just cause the devil throws a few things at you to mess up your day.God has good for you not bad..remember that and you will look for the good,and brush off the bad.God loves you and he blesses us cause he loves to.
but if your exspecting only bad that is all you will see.believe me I speak from experance.I looked for only the bad cause it seemed it was all that came my way.till one day I said Iam sick of seeing only bad.Lord show me the blessing your sending my way.and my eyes were open to the things he sent.
God bless you all have a wonderful week.count your blessings at night and you will see how much better you sleep.