View From the Eagles Nest
Matthew 23;24....Luke 13;34.... The joys and blessings of a fat chick in a skinny world. Faith for the journey, hope for the future, the beauty of nature, wilderness roads, life in general, family, the past and present, from the memory of a country girl stuck in the big that I have your attention visit my blog...
About Me
- Name: Leann
- Location: midwest, United States
I'm a follower of Jesus...I Love the Lord!Iam a artist,love to write,I have two grown daughters,4 grand childern.I enjoy traveling.this is my blog and I say what I think.if you dont agree thats dont have to read it.sometimes I deal with so much crap,I feel like a farmer.check out my new blog "willow in the mist."
Thursday, March 27, 2008
a day full of blessings.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
a trip to see the family for easter.
we will be together and have our easter meal sat.with every one working at diffrent

God bless you all.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy easter.He is risen

Happy Easter, for Jesus is alive.Easter isnt cute little bunnies.its the day life over took death,freedom defeated sin,hope over took dispair.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
awards for friends.
on my other blog called willows in the mist I have this award for my blog the next few days I will be giving them when you see your name on my blog then come get your award on the side bar on willow in the mist.
today it goes to Renie Burghardt.
thanks renie for telling me how to do my awards on the new blog.
a sign in the sky to remind us of a promise.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
another day in Gods creation.
this is the view from the eagles nest.this is the view I see every morning and every evening.God placed me here and its a blessing.I may not have a big place as apartments go this one isnt all that big,but what it lacks in space it makes up for in view.
its my billion dollor view.
this is a picture I call glory was one of those days when you just know God is calling to the world and saying,LOOK UP ITS ME.I AM HERE I do love you ,see this is how I speak when you cant hear me any other way.
GOD THANK YOU FOR ALL THE BEAUTY YOU SENT MY WAY TO REACH ME.and forgive me when I didnt know it was you.

Friday, March 14, 2008
thank you Renie
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I am back.
I could have told him all the reasons why we ended as we did but he would never understand or take any of the blame.and I could have gotting mad and told him off so he knew full well why things didnt work.but whats the use?its all water under a bridge that isnt even there anymore.
so its just best to do it this way and move on.I told him "we had what we had,and we lost what we lost."its all there was to I feel sad?
maybe alittle for the people who had something good and let it slip .but it would never have worked cause he was too in love with himself to ever love anyone else with his whole heart.if anyone asked him for the same thing they were giving he ran.cause he was the one who needed all the attention.his needs were more important then anyone elses.
some times if you love you have to let go.if it belongs to you it comes back.if it doesnt it never belonged to you.its never wrong to love.but it is wrong to love when your not loved back."you need to have love to".you need your needs met is far too short to stay with someone who doesnt meet your needs.
I found out something this dry spell.I fall in love with people who do not love me the way I love them.I for some reason dont feel I deserve I dont know why that is.but it must be true.cause every man I have been with, loved something else more then me.first hubby loved the beer more then me.number two loved his ex more then me.and three loved himself more then me.
well you know I have been thinking and the truth is I am worth more then that.I to deserve to be loved.and I have made up my mind to stop looking to men to feel loved.
I know who can meet all my needs and love me like I should be loved,its Jesus.and he is healing me one step at a time.when he said to let the past go and move on with him so I could live.I said Lord I thought I had!!!He said know you only moved on.but you need to see the reason why you are where you are.
and now I see,I looked for treasure in the wrong place.if you want love that will last you need to go to the love that is able to.that is the love of God.
I dont need to be with a man,cause I know I can make it on my own.having a man was only a heart ache and sorrow for me.but now I can live and be who God intended.I no longer need to be worryed about pleasing a man who didnt care anyway.or meeting someone elses needs who didnt care about is too short.(enough of that now. but needed to fill you in so you knew where I been and where I got out of.)
I was out to see Anna and the guys.I went out for the day and ended staying over night.jake and TJ said your not going home!!!!I said guys I aint got a nighty or clean clothes to where!!!they said who cares we aint going to see ya sleep in the raw!!!!and we will be gone tomorow so we wont smell ya!!!
I said" ish" you guys I cant sleep in the nude!!!!and I dont want to stink.they said their mom was the one who would have to put up with it so they didnt care.and every one laughed as Anna said ewww and giggled.I tryed to go out but Jake was sitting in a chair by the I was stuck.
I am glad they love me yet.a 18 year old grand son who still loves to be with his old Na Na is a treasure.and my 12 year old Jakerbe still loves me to.yes I have good men who love me.they see the good in me.and know I love them.I think my son in law in his own way loves me to.he just likes to pick on me.
thank God for Anna she is my best friend.we went to goodwill and ran around town the two days I was there.I dont know what Id do with out the kids.
some people could care less about family.they invest all their time in out side people.and pay little attention to their family.and then when the family is gone they cry like they they cry cause they missed out in people who really loved family who love me are my reason for living.
we still have snow here but the grass is showing here and there.the spring pictures I put out on last post, were to help all you snow bond people to hang on spring is just around the corner.we have sun today and its mild.but we may get a cold snape again so I was out to enjoy the 40,s.
we are on the last leg of will be gone soon.and the call the dove will be heard in the meadows and along the water ways. the warm sun will melt all the ice and snow.and the birds will build nests and raise familys.the leaves will soon come out and we will see a whole new begining.the long snow covered days and nights will only be a enjoy this time of rest and a slower time.soon the spring will spend us all up again.
God bless you all and thank you for sticking with me. even when I wasnt able to be here.I will try to comment again soon.I know Iam way behind on reading your blogs.but let me say you have all been in my prayers.have a great weekend and a even better new week.
thanks for reading and God bless you.