this is the sunroom looking out the french doors to the brother did a very good job on the lovely notty pine he put on the walls.he is a talented young man he can do anything.he is like my father,a jack of all trades and master of none.Oh guess I should
this is where I sat to write in my journal.I took the picture sitting on the bed.for the new people on my blog.that this is my step real brother is a bit of a weirdo.he has not been around for over 20 years.and doesnt want to be.he left when he was in his 20,s and didn want anything to be with us.he had been in a actcident and hit his head.he just changed so much.he didnt even see mom before she died, or has he come to see my father.but he sure was johnny on the spot to get mom,s money when she passed.enough said about him...its too nice of a day to talk about junk...
here is the sunlight over the bed where I saw the stars at night,it was awesome.I lay there and just felt so blessed to be able to stay for a few the morning I lay and watch the clouds floot over.and at night heard the rain hit the roof and it would put me to sleep with the sound.
this is the little dog who would sit with me early in the morning as I did my prayer time with the Lord and did my journal.the little guys name is Goeser.he is a sweet easy going little guy.he only looks for love.and he was missing the rest of the family.he would sit for a long time and look out the window.many mornings I would sit and look out this window and wish I were able to live in the country soon.I was never disapionted if I was still and didnt make too much sound.the birds would come to the crackers my step mom put out to feet them.till she was able to put up the bird feeder the bear knocked down last winter or fall.
yes a bear came to the feeder.they live off the beatten path way back in the wild.its off the road a half mile back up against a swamp and woods on two sides.and a 80 to the south and a 80 to the they are in a prefect setting for wild life.
my great grandfather loved his space.he picked this spot cause he loved to be srounded by land.and he picked a place with a creek on either side of his land.
but slowly the land had been given away to his big family and we lost some.but its still almost the same.cause the 80,s hold off the spread of people from the south and west.and the swamp and woods from the north and east keep building away.and hopefully will for the time our family needs it.the D and R.owns the land my father once did.that was lost when Dad ran around on it does not pay to be lose more then your happy to give up.
well I am going to close for today.
but need to say some thing.I cant get on some of your blogs.cause this darn thing will not let me.I have trouble even doing my posting.and dont know Ill do what I can and please bare with if you dont see me on your blog its not cause I left you its cause I cant get to you.if any one can please tell (Its the little things ). for me I have tryed to post to her and cant.tell her to come on mine and I may be able to get back to her then.I seem to be able to get to every one else.but havent been able to get to the ones on my book mark page so I have lost some and dont know how to find them again.this dang thing is getting to me.I have no idia what went was after a up date went go is not always better.wish they would leave things alone.
well have a great week and Ill post when I can.Iam still busy with doing some of my stuff.but tuesday morning I was writing and reading posts I could get to yet.and a story line came to me.I sat down at about 11;00am and didnt stop till nearly midnight when I finished it.its called "canyon road "and its a redemtion story.of a young man.dont know yet what the Lord wants me to do with it but when I know Ill tell you.
God bless you all and please bare with me with this dumb thing till I find out what the heck is wrong.may take a while cause you know how computer dumb I please forgive me if I cant
comment on yours for a while.
thanks for reading.
your friend Leannn.