here is a award for renie;
its a "you made my day award..from the eagles nest. "
this one was from one of my other friends.and I give it to Anna my daughter. ANNA have TJ help you post these awards on the side of your blog.
my friend renie;gave me these three was a while back but I couldnt figure how to get them on my blog let alone my picture file.any way after messing around with the darn thing I finely figured it out.I will put the awards on my blog as soon as I can get some one to help me figure that part out.
thanks Renie for the blessing of these three awards are so sweet.its nice to have people give you little tokens of love.thank you my friend.
I pass these awards on to the others on my blog cause they are important to me ..
so please come and get your awards.God bless all of you.
please check out post under this as well.thank you.its got update on how the ex is doing.
View From the Eagles Nest
Matthew 23;24....Luke 13;34.... The joys and blessings of a fat chick in a skinny world. Faith for the journey, hope for the future, the beauty of nature, wilderness roads, life in general, family, the past and present, from the memory of a country girl stuck in the big that I have your attention visit my blog...
About Me
- Name: Leann
- Location: midwest, United States
I'm a follower of Jesus...I Love the Lord!Iam a artist,love to write,I have two grown daughters,4 grand childern.I enjoy traveling.this is my blog and I say what I think.if you dont agree thats dont have to read it.sometimes I deal with so much crap,I feel like a farmer.check out my new blog "willow in the mist."
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Merry Christmas everyone.
this is Anna,s cat Omar.he is a blessing.he is wise and has been a loving part of this family for a long time.
he loves to get his picture taken and this one expresses christmas just right.
this was my christmas flowers last year.Ill take pictures of them this year when they are in full bloom and share them with you.
I am sorry I havent been on lately but I was out to Anna,s and just plan didnt feel I had anything worth sharing.
I was down and dont want to bring everyone else down.
so went out and visited the kids off and on and that always livens me up.
this is a picture of my little tree.I dont have room for a big one cause this place is so small.
so I do the best I can.this year I may go all out and put up every thing.that is if I get time.I figure why bother its just me.
and we get together at the kids why should I go throught the bother only to have to take it all down again.and mostly no one comes here then cause we are at the other this is my tree when its up.
I have a lot of stuff to put up but its packed away waiting for a bigger place so I can use it.
I am going into snow men.they are so cute and dressed so sweet.and they love me if I am fat or not.and if they arent good I can let them melt.HEE HEE..
at lest with a snow man you already know he has a cold heart.
got a surprise when I got home from Anna,s.opened the mail box to find a letter from the ex.he is still having problems.
and he was so nice to tell me he talks to the dead now.and that he talked to my mom and she wasnt in heaven cause there isnt a heaven.and she was wondering where Jesus he was nice enough to tell her she had to go to a planet.cause there is no heaven only a planet .
he said he still hears human voices,and he has learned so much from them.
I would write back and tell him the dead do not speak,and that I know my mom is in heaven cause the bible says so.and Id tell him that there is surely heaven and not a planet cause the bible says that to.
but he wouldnt listen Ill not answer at all.
I would tell him he is learning lies and he is talking to demons.but he would not believe that I do what I know to do.I pray for him.
and hope he will return to Jesus before the enemy of his soul traps him forever in the lies he is believing.
there is so much junk like these talking to the dead crap on TV.and so many people are being decieved by it.and its sad.
once we leave here we are in one place or the other.and we do not travel back and forth.we are there and we stay.but there are what they call fallen angles and
demons who will take on the apearance of a loved one and cause the person problems down the line.people who believe in ghosts and stuff like that are at risk.
I watched one program the other day.I dont watch it but for some reason I felt I should.and it was about a lady with a son who had a emageary friend he played with.(not all make believe friends are demon,s so dont worry)
at frist she didnt think too much about it.and as time went on the little boy played more and more with the make believe friend.
but one day things changed as they do in these cases.and the ture nature of the beast shows its self.
I had been praying about "why" people get into this mess.asking the Lord how it happens.cause normal people would not willingly let evil into their lives if they knew the truth.
well this lady found out the hard way.her son was being bothered by a demon discized as a little boy who had died.
but it was no little boy and it was a demon.
and when the lady found out what it was she had to drive it out of her home.
her son had changed so bad he was mean and hateful to his mom.looked at her with evil in his eyes and would swear at her and give her evil stears.
the person she asked for help told her some one had welcomed it into there house.and the welcome had to be stopped.
so she blessed the house and anointed the door posts and windows and commaned it to leave.
and for nearly 3 months things were fine.
but then the boy must have slipped up and litened to it again.and it came back.only this time it was stronger.
the lady didnt know what to do so she prayed and asked the Lord what to do.and she called the one who had helped her before.
he said to find out the name of the thing.and so one night when she was sleeping her son came into her bed scared and said he wanted to sleep with her and his she waited to see he was asleep and she walked to his room.
she sat on the bed and soon she seen the shape of a little boy in the door way.she put out her arms and it came to her.she hugged it and soon it turned into what it really was.a full grown was evil looking and it was not a nice little boy.
she had to get away from it.
she had to bless the house all over again and tell it to leave and go back to where it came from.and it finely left.
now some may say OH bunk...that cant be! but I am here to tell you if you mess with the ocult or talking to the dead you will one day see them as they really are demon,s discized as your loved ones.they come in as angles of light at frist.then when they have you hood winked then they start their real work.
now people who would rather believe in this stuff then God are at risk.people who believe the UFO junk to are at risk.
I know its ture cause my ex is hearing voices and he was doing the same thing here.and these voices are not leading him to God but away from if some thing is leading you away from God and his love ,it should tell you who it is just by common sence.
but some people dont have any.why cause the enemy has desivied them cause they would rather believe a lie then the truth.
I am telling you this so you know.I can back this all up with the word of God,but dont have time today.
all I can say is if you mess with this stuff your going to come to the end of your rope and then it will be too late.
there are demons on this earth,just as there are Gods angels.
and the demons do evil and the angles do good.and they do not changes roles.
(and Jesus said there were demons and angels here so its not just me saying it.)
you welcome into your life these things when you would rather believe in UFO,S then God.
or talking to the dead or furtion tellers.why go to some one who reads the stars when you can go to the one who made the stars?
now I am sharing this to let you know the truth.
you may think I am nuts or wako.but its no joke.this stuff is real and its not make can only come into your life by doors.and one is the belieif in UFO.S and talking to the dead.ocalt,witch craft.
the bible says to not be invalved in these things, for a good can get you into a mess real fast.
I have run across things in my walk with the Lord that scared me.and I didnt know about before this.
one of our friends little boys was having nightmears so bad he was scared to death.
we had to pray for the little guy.and one night as I watched the 700 club Pat Robertson said there is a little boy who is having nightmears so bad he is afraid to go to sleep for fear they will come again.the Lord is healing him right now and he will never have them again.I claimed the healing for him and he has never had them again.
so you see things can come that only God can deliver from.
please please if you been watching those dumb shows about huntings and the talking to the dead friutcakes please do your self and your family a favoir and stop before you welcome some thing in to your life you cant get rid of.
now this may not be a nice post for a christmas post.but its a warning to keep you safe.and if it helps one person to stay safe then its worth it.
one day the eastern sky will roll back like a large blanket and the trumpet of the Lord will blow.and those who believe in Jesus and what he did for them on the cross will leave here in the blinking of an eye.and then it will be too late to be saved from the mess to come.
Jesus believers will be safe in heaven for 7 years while the rest is done down here.
its called the rapture or catching away,or gathering of the staints.
and so you know we will not be taken away in a UFO.thats the devils story for the rapture to keep every one from knowing the turth.
now you can believe me or not its up to you.but you will not be able to tell me I didnt warn you cause I have.
make this christmas the best ever.recieve the "christ" in christmas and when the call comes you will be ready.
This is all you need to do.
Jesus I know I am a sinner,I mess up all the time and do things I dont want to do.I cant seem to do right even if I please save me Jesus from myself.I do so want to go to heaven with please help me to be the person you intented for me to be.forgive all my sin,s past preasent and me live my life for me all about you.and help me tell others so they can be saved my eyes to the truth so the devil cant pull the wool over my eyes any more.
and make this christmas the one I finely see what "christ"mas really means.
now come into my heart Jesus and give me the faith I need to believe.fill me with your Holy Spirit and with life.
in Jesus name I pray amen and amen.
now let me pray for you.
Jesus please help all who read this to be able to know the them to not put off another day with out knowing for sure they are them feel your tugging on them in their them to know what is ture and what is the devils lies.Lord show them your self so they know your not just a story of long ago but a live person who did the only thing to get them back where they belong with God.
show them you love them and have always loved them the lies in this world so they can tell others the truth so they can be saved.I know Lord there will be believers who read this,but there will also be those who are still sitting on the fence.please help all who read this blog be saved.
Jesus if all they get here is empty words then I have wasted my time and your,s.I ask that you anoint my atempt to reach others with your anointing so that who ever reads will know you better and be able to make the choice to recieve you Jesus so all are ready when you call.
for those who think I am a crack pot please open their eyes to you Jesus so they can see you.
I dont want them to see me but for them to see you.please Lord use my heart felt paryer to reach bring in more people this christmas to fill your heaven.
I ask it in Jesus name amen and amen.
I am doing it early cause its been busy here and I may not get the time I love you all and am so thankful for you.
you are dear friends and I am glad to have met you all here on my blog.I have enjoyed reading your blogs and sharing your storys pictures and seeing your talents as writes and as friends.
you have all touched my life and made me a better person for knowing have been here when I needed a kind word or a reason to go times when I felt like stopping this blog and giving came and told me to keep has blessed me to pray for those who have asked for prayer,and for those who didnt, but put their needs out there so I could pray.
like someone told me a long time ago.
"you cant get help if ya dont ask".
prayer works.I have seen it in my life and in others.
I seen a little baby healed and saw his picture on his grandmas blog.his smiling little face was there to say I am an answer to prayer.
check it out.its mountain mama,s little grandson.if you look on my comments you will find her on it and go to her blog and skan down in her old posts to where her prayer was asked for the little guy.I dont remember what was the matter but it wasnt good.but here is the little guy all better and smiling from ear to ear.
and Raggedy she is better and back with us.check out her blog to.go on my comments and you will see her name click on it and check out her story.
prayer works.
I could go on and on about the wonderful things Jesus does when we ask.but it would be longer and I know some of you hate to read long drawn out for you Ill stop.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
we miss you shorty.
wish we could all be together there mom.but we cant for a while.
the world dont seem the same with you not here.isnt a day goes by I dont miss ya.
but I am glad your safe with Jesus and the rest of the ones who have gone on.
it seems so odd that you arent here on the holidays,and cant be..wish things had been better for you while you were here.if I could go back and work things out better I would.but I wasnt able then nore would I be able now.
nov 25 it will be a year.
We love and miss you mom..
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
day dreams firestove weather
ocean day dreams on a cold blustery day.
it was one cold windy day today.I stayed at Anna,s over night.she invited me to stay after I had her put some white minks in my hair.
now I never used it before.Lucy got it for me and said it would lighten and brighten my white hair.
well I figure a little pick me up wouldnt I had anna,s put it in.
now we were enjoying being together and having a good time,till she looked at her white towel and said Oh my God mom the towel is purple.I said what the????she said I am not kidding mom the towel is pretty purple!!!
I said I better not end up looking like some over the hill punker...or Ill ring that girls neck..
well it didnt turn my hair the color the towel was.but if you get me in the light I look like I over dosed on grape juice ...
Oh well life goes on..
it wase very cold and so I came home from Anna,s and put on my little fake seems to be making me feel warmer.guess its just the Idia of it and the look of real flames to fake out your mind.I got my self all cuddled into my chair and eat supper and did some blogging.
I am going to call this picture of Lucys, "Jilly bean "
Hooked on the boob tube....
or carpet potatoe..
or do you have a better name if so share it with me...
this is Anna and her hubby.they looked so nice when they went to his company for his 15 year party.
they had a nice time and he said he loved her new blouse..
I think it was cause she could show off her double D,s..
she is a lovely girl and needs to dress like this.she is bashful and thinks she isnt pretty cause she has getto booty, like my grandson says.
well she can stand her own with anyone.she is a pretty girl.and she doesnt have to starve to be...
Id rather be as big as I am then to act like people who lose wieght and act like fools who are in love with them selves.some of those la wieght lose things on T.V make me want to puck.the women act like they are in love with them selves or Gods gift to the world.
if your pretty you dont need to stripe down to nothing to show it off.some people who had a wonderful personality when they were heavy when they lose wieght they are so ego stuck you cant stand to be around them.
my grand son says to me Nana you need to look for a black man cause they like big women or getto booty.
I said thanks TJ but I think Ill just stay single from now on.not that I have any thing against black men.its just I dont want "anyone".
and I will say there are some fine black men.Danzel washington is a babe...
and I have seen some who trip my trigger and make my heart pump and my cheeks color.
but I just dont feel I could take one more relationship.I just dont have the mustard no sorry all you good looken black men this getto booty is off the market..
my one friend use to say once you go black you never go back.well Id believe her,but then I see how much problems the black women have with them and I think I made a wise choice to go single once and for all.
I may be off the market but I can still enjoy a nice face once and a while,and they do fill out jean,s very well.a cute little butt in a pair of jeans can still make me look.
no I didnt look when I was with hubby.I dont believe in it.but now he is no longer my hubby so I can look till the cow,s come home if I want to.and I dont have to have all the problems of a relationship..
well every one have a great week,and God bless you all..hope your all having good health,all the love you need or want,peace of mind and heart,all your needs met,and a few of your wants.
and till we talk again your loved and you have a reason for being,and a place in my heart.
Oh all you black and white people out there give" Dog the Bounty Hunter Chapman" a break,aint a one of us dont say some stupid thing when we are mad at our dumb kids.and who wouldnt be mad at a dumb kid who sets up his own father for money???
yes it was dumb of Dog to say what he did,but does what he said make any one what he said????
if someone called me a dumb honky does it make me one?or if they called me a hooker does it make me one???no only I can make me one...
Good Lord I get sick of people with their small minds and eger willinness to keep this bigget crap going..
Get the hell over it God loves blacks just like he does any color.after all he made us all.and like it or not we all will stand in heaven next to color.and hell will have color to for all you who cant get over the race thingy!!!!
all skin color means is they were made with richer dust then us!!!!
the chic who was taping Dog was after the money.
Dog dont let the kids who come stright out of jail work in the buisness.he makes them prove they are done with their stupid ways for a year or so.if they stay stright they can come work in his bounty this kid was right out of jail,got himself a little gold diger who had a Idia when she heard Dog say some thing he shouldnt have.desided to use it against him to the highist bider and went for it.
I hope Dog tells them both to take a flying leep on a rolling donut when he gets back on his feet.
one day hopefully that son of his will get his head out of his butt and say he is sorry for what he did.
and Dog I prayed for you cause I was afriad your mouth would get you in dutch.and it cant be a christain
and speak like that and have people think your sinser.
I respect you and your family for what you do.but Ill tell you alittle something.its not you who made you" the Dog" ,its God !!!.
Let not man think him self more highy then anyone.but think himself always in his own eyes less then others.for then God can use him. for he will love others more then himself..for one who loves others more then them selves will care for their needs more then his own...
Monday, November 12, 2007
God bless our vets.
today many of our men and women are in a place where they arent safe.they are busy doing what the country has asked them to do.
are we safer for the things they are doing ?YES!!!and again I say Yes...some people feeel by bitching about the war they are doing someone a favior.
no they are doing more harm then they know.they are making young men and women laying their life on the line feel as if they have done something they are fighting for freedom.for us and others.
does a person like freedom when they have never had it?at first they may not understand it.
when God freed the jews from slavery they were scared when they were out of their comfort zone.and they cryed to go back to the place they knew.but when they were finely in the promise land they were thankful.the people in Iraci people are better off now then they were.
if you have freedom then give thanks for the ones who gave their lives to fight for it..
thank you to all the people who have given their time their lives to see I can have and enjoy the freedom I have..
give the men and women a welcome home and dont mess them up. like the vets who came home from nom..
can you believe people had the nerve to call those poor guys names and blame them for things they didnt even do.
I believe protesters should have to fight for three weeks in the place of the people they protest against.then they can bitch all they want if they come back alive...
- GOD BLESS ALL THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE FAUGHT IN THE WAR,S .and all the ones who are in harms way now.Lord bring them home safe and meet the needs they will have when they do come home...
deer hunting and kittys
all over there are deer hunters sitting in the woods.their bows near and a ever open eye to the country side.the air freah and clean unless your near a farm.the wind blowing in your face the thrill of the hunt and just plain peace a sit for hours just watching.
trying not to make a sound or move too much.all around you is beauty.
the sky in its fall pastels with geese flying in long v,s crying their farwell call for another season.the chic a dee,s who sing to you and check to see what you are by landing on the end of your bow.the russel of dry oak leaves in the branches that make you wish you had picked a much quieter tree.the squirrls in the under brush.the mouse in the cat tails getting fluff for his winter nest.the ducks on the pond splashing and hear a church bell off
in the distance.hear a child giggle just for the joy of it in the farmers yard.
turn just in time to see a eagle land in a tall tree.and just sit and look off in the field.
as you sit you think of the problems of the day and they seem with every minute to drift get comfy in your blind or tree stand and wish this time of year could last forever.the leaves no longer show their colors but the bronze and drowns are still lovely in the fading light.
the eagle is still sitting in the tree and seems to be on his rost for the night.
he seems to be enjoying his rest from the day screaching for food.he looks at his sroundings and seems at peace.
the sky turns to golden rays and the clouds are pinks and purples and blues.the sun set is so lovely you forget to look for a deer.and as you look back one runs by and you miss the shot.but you dont care cause the beauty of the day has blessed you.and after all tomorow is another day.
the eagle still is looking off to a spot he has kept his eye on.soon he flys and lands on the ground at the foot of the tree.but what ever he seen is long gone before he lands.he lifts off and returns to his purch high in the tree.
as the last rays of sun dispair in the west.
darkness falls fast but you sit just a while longer to enjoy the quiet .the night birds sing off in the distance.the russel of the night wind blows and you can see the first star.the leaves move in the breeze and you start to climb down from your walk out into the meadow and you hear rather then see the deer who have come to eat in the darkness.they will live to run another day.and you will hunt another day.but your both able to enjoy the beauty God placed all around you.
this is jilly bean Lucys cat.isnt she a sweetie?she hasnt been with them long but she already own,s them.she is a cute little girl.and she is smart to.I was there as she was getting use to being there with them.
she was a little poop , Lucy had just got her before they came for my jilly bean wasnt too pleased at being dropped off at a new house with a strange cat and left with no people to teach her the ropes.
so jilly bean made it known she was none too pleased.when we got back there Lucy had to clean up a big mess.and jilly bean almost didnt have a home.but she was good that next day as I sat home alone with her.I yelled at her when she was doing some thing she shouldnt.and she listined. after a few days she learned to be a good can see she is a keeper.she sat and posed for me all the time.she even helped me get some good pic,s of speed it was a good time to be there..
as you see speed bump enjoyed getting his picture taken to.he is a sweet little guy to.let me tell you his story.he was run over by something and hurt see he lost part of his tail.
he was only a kitten and it was cold winter and the girls Daddy saw him ,and picked him up.Lucy desided to keep speed bump got a the girls had wanted a kitty for a long time.but Lucy hadnt wanted to have a cat in the house cause they stink.but as the Lord some times does ,a childs prayer over rides a house rule.and the kids got their kitty.
well speed bump was lonely, with the girls and lucy gone all Lucy felt she should find him a little friend to keep him company.well jilly bean is just what he there wont be any kittens cause speed bump is fixed.but he will not be lonesome..
sorry I havent been on here much lately.I have been doing some of the stuff I need to get done.and still just getting my self back to my ruteen..I was just reading some stuff and writing in my journal.
had some things I also needed to pray about.and some things I been asking the Lord to give me wisdom on.and its seems that I am about to make a clean break from a relationship that has not been good for me.I prayed and have seen its not a wise Idia to go back but to move forward.
I was sure of the fact that Id made the right choice before but was given the asurance it was better to end it and move on.
I looked over all the past and saw that I would always be the one who would have to hold it together.and I would be the strong one in the relationship.and that my needs would always come last if at all.I desided it was best for me to be alone then to suffer useless heart ache over some one who didnt really want to be with me any way.
he doesnt see the picture through eyes of truth.he clovered over the reasons why things ended as they did.and you cant move on if you do not take responsiblety for your own part in a ended nothing can be saloved if you cant see the truth.
when one makes a disction it does afect every cant run off from a problem and figure it will just work its self out and you can run back and still have some one or something to come back to.
you cant figure that you can just step back into the heart of someone you choose to leave in the frist place.
you cant figure you can step out of a relationship for six months with no word or contact of any kind and figure things have just layed dorment and not can come back and say Oh now I desided I love you.and figure one can trust you now to mean it.
I did my best to hold on to see if a change of heart was coming.but then I found it was my heart I was waying for.
I loved a person who had been in alot of things and forgiven them all.
but then also told that person Id forgive the past but what went on after that we were together was a diffrent story.meaning dont think Ill let foolishness while we are together go on.I promised to lovethat person for as long as we were give all my love and do what I could to meet his needs.
but I didnt promise to hang around when he left me to go back to his life away from me. when he left it said."I dont want to be with you any more".when he eat the ring and it was gone the covenet we made was gone.when he walked out the door he walked out of my heart.I didnt understand it till I finely sat down and just asked the Lord to help me to see the truth.
when he had come back to see if we could make it.I finely was able to see the eyes were not blinded by any thing and I could see that it had been the best when he left.
the Lord had given me a way to see the truth so I could know it was not ever going to be the same again.and my heart let the past go.
I looked for love in a friendly face and thought I had found some thing that could last.
but love doesnt grow when your left alone to pick up the pieces..
I looked for love in the face of a friend only to find pain and sorrow again..
I looked for love in some one who promised to always stay,only to find he would run away..
I looked for love the kind that would last,only to be left like Id been left in the past.
I looked for love in so many places and in so many faces,only to find it would not last.
some one said love never fails,and its true when its Gods love.for "he" will never ever leave you..
and His love will never die.
am I sorry for the love I gave away?no but Iam sorry it wasnt good enough for the one I gave it to...
am L sorry for the best I gave?no but Iam sorry I wasted it on some one who couldnt treasure it.
am I sorry for falling in love?no only for being so dumb as to believe that some one who didnt really hold a friend ship together. was given some thing as valued as my heart.
am I free from blame?No I was fighing common sence all the way..letting love hold on for a while more.
Love never fails..out of this whole mess and all I went through I found only God is there for you come what may.
do I plan to trust an other man again?No!!!! Id be a fool..
I gave my heart many times in the past and found that men do not know how to value it.they only want their needs met.
is it cause woman baby little boys and wait on them hand and foot?I do not know for it cause they are not taught to care about a womans needs cause they and their fathers are waited on hand and foot.but mom,s needs are not even thought of.I dont know.
but I do know the men who I have seen figured I was their maid or cook or toy.when I needed some one to step up when I had no strangth every man I loved let me fall.and I needed to muster up the last once of strangth I had to go on alone.
its even harder having some one and still being all alone.
I feel after years of screaching that I am better off not trusting anyone but the Lord.cause if I depend on anyone to much I am only giving into be let down..
if I just muster up what I hve and keep going I dont get let down and have to crawl back up again.
Iam ok...yes I was a hard time this time.harder then I ever been thought in my life.much more painful and full of sorrow.butwith the Lords help I made it.and Ill contiue to make it a long a the Lord needs me here.
do I blame the man who didnt value me?no he just wasnt what I needed and wasnt able to be.he has his own problems.and I pray God will bless him with a new start and a stronger faith to keep on keeping on.
I will not ask for anything from him or exspet any thing from him.cause he has nothing I need.
I hope he understands some day just how it all ended and why.and will look back and see he was loved and understand just what he lost when he ran away.but I will not hold my breath,cause he has always figured he was the catch in any relationship. he was always the treasure given up.that the ones who lost him lost some thing good.
Me I know better then to think Iam any great prize.I know I gave it my best shot and loved with every thing I had.but it still wasnt good enough.and its ok cause at lest I didnt feel I had failed cause I had done my best...
you cant make someone stay who doesnt want to,and you cant make them love you if they dont...
someone who loves you will never leave your side no matter what.even if the problem is more then they can bare..they will not run...
but once you see its a lost cause then its time to move on.I saw it was not good for me to hang on to a person who didnt value me as a love interest.he just didnt love me...he loved the promises of what the Lord had given me.but he didnt have the time or the faith to believe till it came to pass.
some of Gods promises take years to be fullfilled.and if our for fathers had given up they would never have seen their dreams come ture.Abaham and Sarah waited a very long time for their son to be born.and for Abarham to be made the father of many nation, fact that promise is still being fullfilled even thow Sarah and he are long in their graves.
Gods promises dont come to pass just cause you want them to,they come to pass casue He said they would with or without you...
God does not lie.
He said Id find a hubby,I would marryhim.I did."He said Id love him with all my heart and forgive him for all the dumb things he did before we met,and I did.God said he would love the way I cooked,and fixed the house,and he did.
"He told me about the dress Id marry this man in and where to find that dress and I found it."He helped me step by step..and so much ore came to pass.but "He didnt tell me this man would leave me and run away...
but it happened and its sad that a love story turned into just a joke.
its sad that the story didnt end on a happy note or with all the promise of a love story should hold.but it didnt.
it ended the way it did.and does that make the promises of God worthless?
No not by any just means they will come to pass some other way.I still need a home to live in,and Id live there with just me and the Lord if that is what it I need a man to go on?No!!!!I already have one his name is Jesus and he is the best hubby a girl can ever have.
"His love doesnt grow cold,and he doesnt look at you when your not young and lovely any more and say,I dont desire you any more cause your fat.He says "your as lovely today as you were the day I came into your heart.cause I dont look at the out side beauty I look where beauty begins,in your heart.
God bless you all..have a great week..and have a safe hunting season,and thanksgiving...
Thursday, November 08, 2007
these are a few of my favorite things.

I desided to give you two collages of the pictures I took while on the trip.and some of the rides Anna and I went on.the colors were so pretty.hope you enjoy them.I been busy all day and havent eaten anything so this will be short tonight.
God bless every sure to check out the post blow this one for the other collage.
Fall in the midwest.

would you believe when I opened up my picture shop the whole batch of pictures I thought I had lost showed up all by themselves!!!!
now since this has never happened before I dont know what to think.but I do have sme Idia.I prayed about it cause I was so upset.and just left it in the lords hands.
there was only 85 on recoord yesterday.and today you go figure where the lost ones were and where they came from today.seeing I had whipped my camera card clean yesterday.
any way this is a colage of some of the pictures I took well on my trips.
1. the frist one is along a river drive not to far from my place.
2. so is the second one. down by Lucys place.along the river park.
4.ducks at the park in the cove or bay.. out along the river road near lucy, to. some buffalo near Anna,s place. north of my home place,
9,10and 11.are back up in the swamp near where I lived as a child. a fence I saw on the swamp road I thought was so cute. a cow who Ill call Besy she just looked so sweet laying there.she even posed for me.
14,15,are on a country road I take once in a while.
16,17 are near my place on another river road I love.
that willow tree and the flowers were so pretty it was a lovely fall day.the sky was full of pastel colors,and little fluffy clouds doting the sky here and there.
and I see the same two pictures were used two I know I put other ones but guess some thing went wrong 16,and 17 are the same as 1,and 2.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I am not in a very good mood so this may not be a happy post.I took all kinds of nice pictures to share with you all.on my visit to see Lucy and the girls.and as I tryed to put them on the picture folder it only kept 85 of I cant get them back.cause as I looked to
find they were 185 I whipped the card.then found that only the 85 made too late.all my lovely pictures gone.and no way to bring them back.lucys cute apratment and the girls.their cute kittys and the fun we had.its all gone!!!! I could spit tacks...I hate things that cant work the way they are suppose to.well enough of that crap.its too nice of a day to cry over spilt milk.
one day a few weeks ago Anna and I went for a ride to a amish store near we were driving along I seen some geese in a pond near the road.we stopped and took some pictures.
then we went to this mill and desided to stop and snap a few shots was a lovely day and we could still see color in the tree,s.this is a lovely place full of charm and beauty.they just dont make things like this any more.